How to proccess paid SSL from client area

1 Firstly you need to generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

2.  Login to client area and open the services option in that click on ssl certificate


3. Display the below page and click on arrow ->


4. Click on option certificate setup and paste the CSR certificate in below block and select the server software as Apache (select as per your requirment)
then click on submit button.


5. After that Select the Domain Control Validation method(DNS, Mail, file base).

     * Email Validation : You will recived authentication mail
     * DNS- based Validation : They provide txt record, only we need to add txt in dns zone file.
     * HTTP-based Validation : File-based Authentication, where you will get code and you have to upload it in the path which is provided by them


6. After completing above process you have to download certificate here
    click on the Certificate details and then click on download cert


After receiving your SSL Certificate you can install it on your server.

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